Self-Help Resources
(This page was last updated 01/10/2025)
Crisis Lines
Crisis Emergency | 911 |
Crisis Text Line | Text “HOME” to 741-741 |
Infoline (ask for crisis counselor) | 211 or |
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline | 1-800-273-TALK (8255) |
National Hopeline Network, Suicide & Crisis Hotline | 1-800-442-HOPE(4673) |
CT Sexual Assault Hotline |
1-888-999-5545 (English) or 1-888-568-8332 (Spanish). |
Eating Disorders Hotline |
1‐888‐236‐1188 |
National Domestic Violence Hotline |
1‐800‐799‐SAFE (7233) Text “START” to 88788 |
Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline |
1‐800‐422‐4453 Text “HELP” to 1-800-422-4453 |
National Runaway Switchboard |
1‐800‐621‐4000 Text: 1-800-786-2929 |
National Youth Crisis Hotline | 1‐800‐448‐4663 |
Covenant House Crisis Hotline (Teens in Crisis)
1‐800‐999‐9999 |
Disaster Distress Helpline
Call or Text: 1-800-985-5990 |
L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.P.+ |
The Trevor Project for LGBTQ Youth |
1-866-488-7386 Text “START” to 678-678 |
Trans Lifeline |
1-877-565-8860 |
Substance-Related |
Substance Abuse and Mental Health helpline |
1-800-662-HELP (4357) |
1‐888‐425‐2666 |
Remote AA Meetings | Link |
Remote NA Chat | Link |
NA by phone | Link |
Cocaine Anonymous | |
SMART Recovery |
Meetings Finder (virtual and in-person) |
Non-crisis “Warm” Lines
- Warm lines are telephone support services staffed by individuals with experience and expertise in mental health challenges who can provide understanding and connect callers to appropriate resources. These lines are not crisis lines, and their days and hours of operation vary.
Safe Harbor Warm Line 5pm-10pm Every Day (including holidays) |
1-800-258-1528 |
Reach Out Greater New Haven Warmline 8:30am - 7pm Monday-Thursday 8:30am - 6pm Friday |
(203) 287-2460 |
For other CT Warm Lines: | Visit this link |
1-888-NYC-WELL (1-888-692-9355) Text “WELL” to 65173 |
NEDA (National Eating Disorders Association) 11:00am - 9:00pm ET Monday-Thursday 11:00am - 5:00pm ET Friday |
Call or Text (800) 931-2237 |
ANAD (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders) 9:00am - 9:00pm CST Monday-Friday |
1 (888)-375-7767 |
Alternatives to calling 911
Here is a link of alternatives to calling 911 in New Haven, CT.
Websites and books
Worry Less, Live More: The Mindful Way through Anxiety Workbook
CBT Information Leaflets & Self Help Guides
Creative Ways to Support Mental Health
SMART Recovery (Addiction) Online Toolbox (including interactive tools and worksheets)
7+ Tips on How to Find a Job After Rehab
Relationship Enhancement
- Hold Me Tight: Seven conversations for a lifetime of Love
- The Laws of Love featuring Sue Johnson
- Making Marriage Work | John Gottman
Useful takeaways from different clinical approaches
CBT Skills
Behavioral activation. Maintaining a daily routine can help. Try to integrate regular daily activities, such as work, exercise or learning.
- 2-hour rule: do not have nothing to do for more than 2 hours & do not do one activity for more than 2 hours (within reason)
- Balance
- Self-Care: showering, brushing teeth, getting dressed, eating, sleeping.
- Mastery: Activities that give you a sense of completion and accomplishment.
- Pleasure: Activities that you find rewarding.
- Social: Face-to-face interactions, phone calls, text messages, and video chat can be helpful tools for accessing social support networks. Make a plan to connect with people, even if virtually!
- Flexibility: Be willing to change things up or reorganize
- Accountability: Make a schedule, to-do list, check things off!
- Practice/Repetition: Make a schedule every day for the next day, review in the morning
- Know your sensitive periods (times when your mood might be the lowest). Plan activity to target these periods.
DBT Skills
- PLEASE Skills (to help regulate emotions)
- Treat Physical Illness: Being sick lowers your resistance to negative emotions. The healthier you can become, the better able you will be to regulate your emotions. If you are dealing with any health issue, it is important that you reach out to a doctor, even virtually.
- Balance Eating: Try to eat the amounts and kinds of foods that help you feel good—not too much or too little. Both eating too much and excessive dieting can increase your vulnerability to emotion mind (when our behavior is overly influenced by emotion). When and how often you eat and your daily eating routine can be especially important.
- Avoid Mood-Altering Substances: Alcohol and drugs, like certain foods, can lower resistance to negative emotions. Stay off illicit drugs. Use alcohol in moderation, if at all.
- Balance Sleep: Try to get the amount of sleep that helps you feel good—not too much or too little, usually between 7 and 9 hours. Keep to a consistent sleep schedule, especially if you are having difficulty sleeping.
- Get Exercise: Aerobic exercise, done consistently, is an antidepressant. In addition, a regular exercise schedule can build mastery. Do some sort of exercise 5 to 7 days per week. Try to build up to 20 minutes of exercise each time.
- Wise Mind ACCEPTS (how to make it through a distressing moment - when emotionally overwhelmed (10/10) do not try to solve the problem, buy yourself some time to de-escalate through distraction)
- Activities:
- Focus attention on a task you need to get done.
- Watch TV/movies.
- Clean a room in your house.
- Play computer games.
- Go for a walk around the block.
- Surf the Internet. Write emails.
- Live Zoo/Aquarium Cams
- Virtual museum tours (during COVID-19 shelter-in-place)
- Watch Broadway shows
- Call a friend.
- Listen to music.
- Build something.
- Play cards.
- Read magazines, books, comics.
- Do crossword puzzles, Sudoku, or Wordle.
- Pay a word game (start by naming a city, have a friend name another city that starts with the last letter of the previous one. Go round and round.)
- With Contributing
- Find volunteer work to do.
- Help a friend or family member.
- Surprise someone with something nice (a card, a favor, a text).
- Call or send an instant message encouraging someone or just say hi.
- Make something nice for someone else.
- With Comparisons
- Compare how you are feeling now to a time when you felt different. (emotions are temporary)
- Think about people coping the same as you or less well than you.
- Compare yourself to those less fortunate.
- With different Emotions
- Read emotional books or stories, old letters. (elicit an emotion different than the one you are feeling now)
- Watch emotional TV shows; go to emotional movies. (elicit an emotion different than the one you are feeling now)
- Listen to emotional music. (elicit an emotion different than the one you are feeling now)
- Ideas: Scary movies, joke books, comedies, funny records, religious music, soothing music or music that fires you up, reading funny greeting cards.
- With Pushing away
- Leave the situation mentally.
- Build an imaginary wall between yourself and the situation.
- Block thoughts and images from your mind.
- Notice ruminating: Yell “No!”
- Put your pain on a shelf. Box it up and put it away for a while.
- Use your imagination to plan a dream vacation in detail.
- With other Thoughts
- Count to 10; count colors in a painting or poster or out the window; count anything.
- Repeat words to a song in your mind.
- Work puzzles.
- Watch TV or read.
- With other Sensations
- Squeeze a rubber ball very hard.
- Listen to very loud music.
- Hold ice in your hand or mouth.
- Take a hot or cold shower.
- Guided video of the above skills
- Activities:
- PLEASE Skills (to help regulate emotions)
ACT Skills
- Think about what you value in different domains of your life. Ask if you are acting in a way that you value. If there is room for growth, how can you act more in a way that aligns with your values?
- We all have different ways of coping. Some of these ways are what we call shovel strategies and some are what we call ladder strategies. Shovel strategies dig us deeper into the hole (maybe temporarily making it feel like we are helping ourselves, but in the long run we are not). Ladder strategies help lift us out of the hole. Try to focus on using ladder strategies.
- F.A.C.E. C.O.V.I.D.: “A set of practical steps for responding effectively to the Corona crisis, using principles of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)”, from Russ Harris
- F = Focus on what’s in your control
- A = Acknowledge your thoughts & feelings
- C = Come back into your body
- E = Engage in what you’re doing
- C = Committed action
- O = Opening up
- V = Values
- I = Identify resources
- D = Disinfect & distance
- FACE COVID – How To Respond Effectively To The Corona Crisis | Youtube
- FACE COVID ebook
Mindfulness Skills
- Progressive muscle relaxation 1
- Progressive muscle relaxation 2
- Breathing exercises
- Leaves on a stream
- Honest guys sleep meditation
- Mindfulness Skills - DBT Tools
- 2000 Mindfulness Exercises
- Palouse Mindfulness offers users free resources on learning about and practicing mindfulness, and offers a free Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course.
- 9 mindfulness exercises to help you manage COVID stress
- The (Nontraditional) College Student’s Guide to Mindfulness
Messages from trauma-focused work
- Things are hard. You likely will experience distress and suffering. It is how you manage these experiences that are important.
- Victor Frankl “Man’s search for meaning”: Identifying a purpose during suffering
- Dr. Edith Eva Eger (interview on AppleTV+ with Oprah): Dr. Eger is a Holocaust survivor and talks about the importance of findings positive in crisis (laughter, gratitude, etc.).
- Things are hard. You likely will experience distress and suffering. It is how you manage these experiences that are important.
Resources for children and parents
- Helping Children Cope after a Traumatic Event
- 12 Ways to Effectively Parent During Crisis (Part 1)
- Basics of Trauma | Health Care Toolbox
- Helping kids with transitions
- How to Avoid Passing Anxiety on to Your Kids
- Guided Imagery Tracks from Children’s Hospital of Orange County
- Triple P Online Parenting Program (Not COVID-19 Specific)
- Parent Tips for Helping Infants and Toddlers After Disasters
- Parent Tips for Helping Adolescents After Disasters
- Disaster Media Intervention: Helping Students Cope with Disaster Media Coverage
- Virtual field trips and travel activities for kids
Coronavirus/COVID-19 Related
- Counseling center resource for children COVID-19
- Supporting Kids During the Coronavirus Crisis
- Helping Children Cope With Changes Resulting From COVID-19
- Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Copes with the COVID-19 (English + Spanish)
- What to Say to Your Child About the Coronavirus – and How to Cope as a Parent
- Explaining the Coronavirus to a Child with Anxiety or ADHD
- Talking to Kids with OCD About COVID-19
- [For Teens/Older Adolescents] What to Do if You’re Anxious About Coronavirus
- Teaching Story: Talking to Children with Autism About Coronavirus
- Family De-Stressing During Coronavirus
Eating disorders
- What are eating disorders? (NIMH factsheets)
- Eating disorders screening tool (ages 13+)
- Advocacy, educational, and support resources for parents/caregivers of individuals with eating disorders
- Eating disorder peer support group (via ANAD, the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders)
- CBT-based workbooks/worksheets to recovering from disordered eating
- Encouraging your child to seek treatment for an eating disorder (NEDA)
- Resource guide for parents of a child with an eating disorder
Addiction/substance abuse disorders
- Employment resources for people recovering from substance abuse disorders
- Mental Health Disorders and Teen Substance Abuse
- List of resources for families coping with substance use disorders (SAMHSA)
- Teen-Safe (educational website for teens and families) resource list - includes links to studies, assessments, self-help resources, and help-lines
- Online Learning Resources for Schooling
- Scholastic Learn at Home – Day by Day
- Sample At-Home Schedule
Youtube (for videos, exercise classes, religious services)
Calm and Headspace are 2 highly reviewed and utilized mindfulness apps
Duolingo (learn a new language)
SMART Recovery (addiction)
Information links
Home Internet Access: If you do not have internet access at home, or cannot afford to maintain it, but need internet for work or school, there are several options available through providers:
- Comcast/Xfinity
- Internet Essentials: A free home internet package for qualifying individuals and households
- Affordable Connectivity Program: provides eligible households a credit of up to $30/month towards your Internet and mobile services.
- Access from AT&T: A low-cost/free home internet package for qualifying individuals and households through the Affordable Connectivity Program.
Coping with Stress during COVID - 19 - CDC
Advice to the Public - World Health Organization
Pandemics - American Psychological Association
State Action on Coronavirus - National Conference of State Legislatures (check your State for laws)